Parcel booking online

  • How much does delivery cost?
Get delivery prices by using our Quick quote: simply enter the weight and measurements of your parcel and select destination country. It will come up with several delivery options from different carriers. Choose the most corresponding to your needs and continue with the order.
  • How do I order a service?
To order parcel delivery service for the first time, you will need to sign up. After you have done this, you can start ordering parcel delivery services. Use our simple Quick quote to get our best price offers for deliveries to any country of the world.
  • Can I order service by phone?
In order to provide the best price deals and avoid inaccuracies, we do not offer service ordering by phone.
  • How can I pay for the service?
We currently accept these payment methods: Paypal, SafetyPay, WebMoney, cashU, IngBank, Dexia, also electronic banking.
  • Why do I need a printer?
Ordering delivery services from, you will need to print supplied Shipping labels and attach them to your parcel.
  • I made a mistake online. How can I change this?
Please contact our staff by Live Support or send a request directly from our site indicating required changes and we will let you know whether we can amend it or you will need to rebook the service. Please do this as soon as you notice you made a mistake. 
  • I`m not sure about the parcel’s weight and dimensions.
If you wish to order delivery service on, it is necessary to know these details. If you declare false information, your parcel will be detained and you will have to pay not only the difference in prices, but also an administrative fee.
  • How can I cancel my order?
To cancel an order, please contact our staff by Live Support or send a request directly from our site. In case of order cancellation, payment for delivery service will be returned to customer’s Pre-pay account or to bank account from which it was made. 5 EUR administration fee applies.
  • How should I describe items that I send?
Please describe the contents of your shipment as accurate as possible. Do not declare it as a “Gift” because the shipment may be detained by Customs in order to determine its contents. Seeking to avoid this, a more accurate description of each item sent should be provided along with its value and quantity, if there is more than one of them.
  • What item value should I declare?
While declaring consignment’s value, specify the cost of an analogous item. Never indicate zero value of the contents. You must be able to prove consignment’s value with documents of purchase if your parcel went missing or damaged in transit.
Please note that the value of personal assets is more difficult to prove, thus they are assigned to the group of No compensation items. They may be sent, but at sender’s risk and in case of loss or damage, a claim cannot be filed.
  • When do you start to process my order?
Orders are processed only after payment has been received. Please note that created unpaid orders are also stored in section My Orders
  • Do you apply discounts?
Yes, those paying for five or more parcels at the same time will receive a discount of 5 percent.
  • Do you offer credit accounts?
No. All orders must be paid in advance. You can use our Pre-Pay option to save some time when ordering a service online. 
Need to send a parcel? Find out the price of your shipment
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Parcel delivery



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