1. General provisions
1.1. These Rules determine the order of provision of the services offered on the websites of UAB „Technologijų era“ www.siuskpigiau.lt, www.sendparcel.com and payment for them, requirements for the preparation of Consignments and ordering of services, cases of liability of the service provider and limitations of provided services.
1.2. By submitting the Order, the Customer confirms it has familiarised with the present Rules (terms and conditions) and agrees with all their provisions unconditionally.
1.3. The Parties agree the relations between UAB „Technologijų era“ (otherwise „Sendparcel“) and the Customer that are not discussed in the present Rules are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts.
2. Services of „Sendparcel“
2.1. „Sendparcel“ enables sending Consignments with international Consignment transportation companies which has cooperation contracts with ‘’Sendparcel’’. In the present Rules, the Consignment transportation companies and their employees are defined with the term Courier.
2.2. The Consignments are transported by the Courier Customer has chosen, but the Transportation Contract is concluded between the Customer and „Sendparcel“. „Sendparcel“ is liable for the transportation of the Customer’s Consignment and coordinates the details with the Courier.
2.3. By ordering the Consignment transportation service, the Customer may choose any Courier depending on the service, price or other criteria.
3. Definitions of the Agreement
3.1. "Sendparcel" - UAB „Technologijų era“ and its employees / service provider.
3.2. Package - one piece (envelope, box, roll etc.) of properly packed and marked items.
3.3. Consignment - package that is sent by one Sender to one Receiver and described in one Consignment document or a few Packages delivered to one address one or more Packages described in one Shipment document (Shipping label) and sent by one Sender to one Receiver and delivered to one particular address.
3.4. Standard Consignment - Package, which all dimensions (length, width, height and weight) meet the requirements for the Consignment of the service chosen by the Customer. The requirements of a concrete service for a Standard consignment are indicated in the description of Services, section 7.
3.5. Non-standard Consignment - in case at least one of the sizes indicated in clause 3.4 exceeds the permissible ones, the consignment is considered Non-standard and surcharges can be applied to the delivery.
3.6. Actual weight – the weight of the Package in kilograms (kg) obtained by weighting the Package.
3.7. Volumetric weight – the weight of the Package calculated using Volumetric Weight formula: all sides of the Package (height, length and width (cm)) are multiplied and divided by 5000 (if Express service is selected) or 4000 (if Economy service is selected). The result provides the Volumetric Weight of the Package in kilograms (kg).
3.8. Courier - legal entity which has a cooperation agreement with “Sendparcel” and transports Consignment provided by the Customer.
3.9. Sender/Customer - legal entity (including its employees) or natural person (at least 16 years old on the day of ordering), which has: 1) registered on “Sendparcel’s” Website; 2) placed an Order and concluded (or did not conclude) the Service provision contract and 3) transfers a properly prepared and marked Consignment (gives to the Courier) to transport it to the indicated Receiver. The Customer can be a Sender, but the Sender is not always a Customer.
3.10. Receiver - legal entity or natural person indicated on the Consignment Package and in the Consignment document as the person the Consignment is addressed to that accepts the Consignment in the place of destination.
3.11. Website - websites www.siuskpigiau.lt, www.sendparcel.com administered by „Sendparcel“. By visiting or using any of these websites and/or all of them, the Customer confirms it agrees with the present Rules. Hereinafter in the Rules, the Website www.siuskpigiau.lt means all the websites of „Sendparcel“ – www.siuskpigiau.lt, www.sendparcel.com.
3.12. Delivery of a Consignment - the period during which the Consignment is transported and delivered to the recipient. The delivery time of a Consignment is calculated in working days and starts from the next working day after the Consignment is picked up.
3.13. Guaranteed delivery - Consignment delivery service when „Sendparcel“ guarantees the Consignment will be delivered within the exactly indicated term. In the description of each service, section 7, it is indicated whether the delivery terms are guaranteed. The Guaranteed delivery service grants the money return guarantee unless the Consignment was delivered within the foreseen term. The delivery on weekends cannot be part of Guaranteed delivery service.
3.14. Remote location - place of picking or delivering Consignment in an especially remote and/or difficult to approach territory, which can lead to Surcharges.
3.15. Value of the Consignment - is the price specified by the Sender at the time of the Order for all the items in the Consignment, for which the Consignor purchased them and can prove this with the available purchase documents. The value of the Shipment is the maximum amount of „Sendparcel“ liability for the Shipment.
3.16. Pre-payment account - Customer’s pre-paid account on the Website of „Sendparcel“, which can be topped-up by any of the payment methods provided and used while placing an order.
3.17. Consignment documents - waybill, manifest, covering letter or another type of document provided by „Sendparcel“ to the Customer, based on which Courier accepts the Consignment for the transportation, which approves these present Consignment delivery Rules as obligatory for the parties and has a unique Consignemnt number (barcode) as well as the document according to which Courier transfers the Consignment to the Receiver. The Customer is liable for the accuracy of the data included in the Consignment document.
3.18. Amount of the insurance - amount with that the Customer insures the Consignment, which does not exceed the value of the Consignment.
3.19. Standard insurance – free maximum compensation of 100 EUR per Consignment (not every separate package of it) in case it is lost or damaged during the transportation.
3.20. Additional insurance – additional Consignment compensation in case it is lost or damaged during the transportation, if the Customer has chosen this type of service at the moment of ordering. The compensations depend on the amount of insurance chosen by the Customer, but it cannot be lower than 11,60 EUR + VAT (in case it is applied in accordance with the law).
3.21. In writing - a way of notifying and transferring information to “Sendparcel” or the Customer directly in writing, sent by registered mail, email or fax.
3.22. Working Day - any calendar day of the year set by the state of the Republic of Lithuania as a working day.
3.23. Surcharges - costs that emerged in the Order execution period after the payment without the fault of the Courier or „Sendparcel“, could not have been included in the price at the Order acceptance moment and shall be paid by the Customer.
3.24. Prohibited items - items which cannot be sent using the services of „Sendparcel“. The list of Prohibited items is announced publicly and constantly renewed on the website.
3.25. Non-compensable items - items which are not recommended for shipping using “Sendparcel’s” service and in case it is lost or damaged, any of the insurance will be invalid. These items are documents, valuable and other items which is difficult to determine the value of it, as well as fragile and shockproof items. The list of Non-compensable items is announced publicly and constantly renewed on the website.
3.26. Damaged Consignment - damage to the Customer’s Consignment during the transportation from picking from the Sender to the delivery to the Receiver because of the Courier’s mistake. The Consignment is considered damaged in case its content is damaged together with the package.
3.27. Loss of a Consignment - Loss of the Consignment during the transportation from the moment of picking the Consignment from the Sender that is confirmed by „Sendparcel“ to the Customer in writing.
3.28. Consignment self-service - service when Consignments are sent and/or accepted in the Consignment self-service terminals of different cities.
3.29. Delivery by third parties - type of delivery when the Customer and payer is neither the Sender nor the Receiver of the Consignment. This delivery is coordinated and any arising issues are solved with the Customer of the Consignment only. The Sender and the Receiver are third parties in case of this delivery and „Sendparcel“ does not have any obligations to them.
3.30. CMR - the 1956 Convention concerning the International Carriage of Goods by Road, as amended in 1978.
3.31. The Conventions - the Warsaw Convention, the Montreal Convention and the CMR together.
3.32. Montreal Convention - the Montreal Convention of 28 May 1999. The Montreal Convention and any subsequent applicable Protocols.
3.33. Warsaw Convention - the Warsaw Convention of 12 October 1929. Warsaw Convention is the Warsaw Convention of 1929, as amended by the Hague Protocol of 28 September 1955, and all subsequent applicable Protocols, and the Warsaw Convention of 18 September 1961 Guadalajara Convention.
3.34. Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) are international trade rules that determine the responsibilities, risks and costs of the Sender and the Recipient in the process of transporting goods. These terms regulate who is responsible for the transportation of goods, customs formalities and taxes.
3.35. DAP (Delivered at Place) terms are an international trade rule according to which the Sender is responsible for the transportation and delivery of goods to the agreed place in the Recipient's country, but all customs duties, import taxes and customs clearance procedures are the responsibility of the Recipient.
3.36. DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) terms are an international trade rule according to which the Sender assumes full responsibility for the delivery of goods to the place specified by the Recipient, including all customs duties, import taxes and customs clearance procedures.
4. Placement and cancellation of the Order
4.1. „Sendparcel“ provides services according to the order made by the Customer (hereinafter – Order) in accordance with the present Rules. The parties agree clearly „Sendparcel“ is not obligated to accept any Orders from the Customer. The Order will only be considered accepted after getting the confirmation from „Sendparcel“. „Sendparcel“ reserves a right to refuse, accept and/or cancel any Order ex parte.
4.2. „Sendparcel“ shall confirm the Customer’s Order in writing within 1 (one) working day from the moment of making the Order to „Sendparcel“ by the Customer. Until the moment of confirmation of the Customer’s Order, it is considered the Customer’s Order is not confirmed. „Sendparcel“ does not execute any non-confirmed Orders.
4.3. In the Order form, Customer shall indicate all the requisites required while placing an Order on the Website of „Sendparcel“. Unless the Customer provides all the information required in the order form, „Sendparcel“ is entitled to refuse to execute this Order.
4.4. The Customer is entitled to ask „Sendparcel“ to cancel the Order. The Customer executes the right to refuse the Order properly in case the Customer makes an unambiguous application (free-form cancellation) about the cancellation of the Order. The Customer shall send the notification about the cancellation of the Order to the email of „Sendparcel“ [email protected]; it is obligatory to indicate the number of the Order which requires cancellation when notifying.
4.5. „Sendparcel“ shall confirm the unambiguous application of the Customer about the cancellation of a concrete Order without unsubstantiated delay.
4.6. For the services provided before the cancellation of the Order, the Customer obligates to pay „Sendparcel“ the amount that is proportional to the services provided before the moment the Customer informed about the implemented right to cancel the Order as well as other costs suffered by „Sendparcel“ before the cancellation of the Order.
4.7. The Customer’s notification about the cancellation of a concrete Order will not determine the cancellation of any other Orders made by the Customer that were submitted, confirmed and (or) are being executed, meaning the Customer can implement the Order cancellation right in respect of every concrete Order.
4.8 Orders are not cancelled and money are not refunded when using USPS services.
4.9. The Customer shall use its right to cancel the Order honestly, not to abuse it and pay the charge indicated in clause 12.4 of the present Rules.
4.10. The payment for the service is returned according to the Return Policy.
4.11. The Customer is entitled to cancel any Order before the Consignment is picked from the Sender (unless it is indicated otherwise in the description of the chosen service). After the Courier picks the Consignment, the Customer (Sender) is not entitled to cancel the Order – it is considered the Order is being executed and appropriate payment is applied to it.
4.12. „Sendparcel“ and (or) the Courier are entitled to refuse to accept and (or) execute the Order in case it emerges the Prohibited and (or) dangerous items and (or) substances were transferred for the delivery without informing „Sendparcel“ and the Courier. In this case, „Sendparcel“ and (or) the Courier are entitled to appeal to appropriate authorities without informing the Customer in advance and perform all the other acts that are necessary in order to reduce (annul) the risk related with the content of the sent Consignment. The Customer is liable for all consequences to a full extent and it obligates to pay a fine of 120 EUR and compensate all the costs suffered by „Sendparcel“ and (or) the Courier including but not limited with the above-mentioned ones. In this case, the money for the transportation of the Consignment is not returned to the Customer in this case and its costs, disadvantages and losses are not compensated. The Customer can be prosecuted.
4.13. The Courier and (or) „Sendparcel“ are entitled to refuse to accept the Order or pick the Consignment in case the Consignment Package is improper or there is a discrepancy of information between the Order and the actually provided Consignment. The fact that the Courier and (or) "Sendparcel" accepts a Shipment does not mean that such Shipment, including its content and quality, complies with applicable laws and regulations or these rules.
4.14. The Courier and (or) „Sendparcel“ reserves the right to refuse to accept and (or) execute the Order for any other reason.
4.15. While placing an Order, the Customer states and confirms the Consignment meets all the requirements of these Terms and conditions (and/or contract) as well as applicable law. In case the Customer fails to observe and (or) ensure proper observation of the requirements and instructions of these Terms and conditions in respect of the characteristics and limitations of the Consignment on purpose or by mistake (including negligence) and „Sendparcel“ and (or) the Courier start providing services, it is considered the services are provided at the Customer’s risk only.
4.16. „Sendparcel“ does not guarantee the possibility to stop the Consignment after the Courier has picked it.
5. Insurance of the Consignment
5.1. The services offered by „Sendparcel“ (except Deutsche Post, USPS, Lithuanian Post) involves Standard insurance that enables getting the maximum compensation of 100 EUR per Consignment (not every separate package of it) in case it is lost or damaged during the transportation unless the Additional insurance of the Consignment was bought at the moment of ordering. Standard and Additional shipment insurance does not apply to Deutsche Post, USPS and Lithuanian Post services. In case of package damage/loss, Deutsche Post services with tracking are eligible for compensation of up to 40 EUR (Deutsche Post services without tracking are not eligible for compensation) according to postal regulations. In case of shipment damage/loss, the maximum possible compensation for USPS services is up to 90 EUR. In case of damage/loss of the parcel, compensation of up to 40 EUR is available for signed services of the Lithuanian Post. No compensation is available for Lithuanian Post services with tracking.
5.2. While placing an Order, the Customer can insure the Consignment additionally (unless it is indicated otherwise in section 7). The Additional Consignment insurance price is equal to 2% from the amount of insurance chosen by the Customer, but it cannot be lower than 11,60 EUR + VAT (in case it is applied in accordance with the law). The chose amount of the Additional insurance is the highest amount that can be requested by the Customer from „Sendparcel“ in case the Consignment is lost or damaged during the transportation of the Consignment: from picking it from the Sender to the delivery of the Receiver. The amount of the Additional insurance cannot exceed the value of the Consignment. In case the Consignment is insured additionally, the Standard insurance is invalid.
5.3. Standard and Additional Insurances are not valid for the Prohibited or Non-compensable items.
5.4. In the event of damage to the contents of the Consignment due to improper packaging, no compensation will be given. The insurance can be paid only upon presentation by the Customer of an acquisition document proving the value of the contents of the Consignment.
5.5. After “Sendparcel” has paid the insurance claim, “Sendparcel” shall have the right to request the Customer in writing to “Sendparcel” to hand over the damaged consignment or the remnants of the damaged consignment within the time specified by “Sendparcel”, and the Customer shall be under an obligation to hand over the damaged consignment or the remnants of the damaged consignment to “Sendparcel” within the time specified by “Sendparcel”.
6. Rates and payment of services
6.1. The valid service price is indicated on the Website of „Sendparcel“ at the Order filling moment. The price is shown in euro (EUR). By submitting the Order, the Customer pays the Consignment delivery costs only. All the charges that can be applied by the Customs office of the Receiver’s country shall be paid. The Customer also pays Surcharges.
6.2. „Sendparcel“ is entitled to change the prices of the services indicated on the Website on a regular basis ex parte without prior warning. In order to avoid any doubts, the valid and applicable service price is the price announced on the Website of „Sendparcel“ at the moment when the Customer submits an Order including the related provisions from the Terms and conditions.
6.3. The payment for the services can be performed in one of the payment methods indicated by „Sendparcel“ and chosen by the Customer.
6.4. The payment is deducted automatically at the Order acceptance moment. In case the Customer provides false data about the Consignment, Surcharges are calculated. In case the dimensions or weight of the Consignment are inexact or higher, the difference of the Order price is not returned.
6.5. In case of a debt, the Customer shall pay it not later than within 7 (seven) calendar days since the day of getting a notification about the debt. In case the Customer delays doing it, it shall pay the penalty of 0.05 % for every delayed day from the amount that was not paid on time. The calculation of the penalty starts on the next calendar day after the deadline.
6.6. In case of a dispute about the payment, the Customer shall submit the originals of the documents proving the fact about the payment.
6.7. Unless the debt is paid within the term set in clause 6.5, „Sendparcel“ reserves a right to collect the debt through third parties. The Customer obligates to compensate all the costs suffered by „Sendparcel“ that are related with the collection of the debt in case it was appealed for the financial duties of Customer that were not executed in time or executed improperly.
6.8. Loyal customers can get additional discounts for the services provided. All the information related with the Customer’s discounts and delivery prices is confidential and cannot be disclosed.
6.9. Discounts are not summed. Furthermore, discounts do not apply to to additional services, additional taxes and VAT. More information on additional courier charges can be found here.
6.10. Valid discount codes shall be entered while filling out the Order form and cannot be returned if they have not been used to place the Order.
6.11. The discount code is valid only once for a single user, unless otherwise stated.
6.12. Loyalty Club discounts, discount codes and other lower price offers are not valid for Lithuanian Post, Deutsche Post, SP by FedEx, FedEx Express, SpEco, USPS, and Royal Mail. Discount codes are also not valid for shipments over 30 kg and shipments in Lithuania.
6.13. The discounts granted to the Customer can be unilaterally changed or canceled by "Sendparcel".
6.14. In order to get back the money from the Pre-payment account of „Sendparcel“, the Customer shall write to „Sendparcel“. Payments are always returned to the Customer and to the account they were transferred from only. The payment is returned within 10 (ten) working days since the appealing by the Customer for the return of the money from the Pre-payment account. „Sendparcel“ is entitled to deduct all the amounts due by the Customer to „Sendparcel“ from the Pre-payment account of the Customer ex parte according to its previous Orders if any.
6.15. In case the Customer cancels the Order for that the advance payment was made in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of these Terms and conditions, „Sendparcel“ returns the amounts received in relation with this Consignment to the Customer without unsubstantiated delay, but in any case not alter than within 10 (ten) working days when „Sendparcel“ gets a notification about the cancellation of the Order and the circumstance is confirmed the Consignment was not picked. „Sendparcel“ returns the amounts to the Customer in the same payment method that was used for the initial payment.
6.16. The Customer is always liable for the payment of all the costs and charges that are related with the Consignment including surcharges, import/export procedure services, customs duties and other state taxes.
7. Description of services provided by „Sendparcel“
7.1. „Sendparcel“ provides the delivery services „door-to-door“ except the case of ordering the Consignment self-service, but the service „door-to-door“ is impossible in certain locations of the world. Description of Services provided by „Sendparcel“:
Service Name |
Standard insurance* |
Additional insurance* |
Limitations |
Limitations |
Collection |
Characteristics |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. |
Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 5 000 000 EUR. |
Max. package: Weight – 300 kg; Dimensions – 300 cm (length) x 200 cm (width) x 180 cm (height). |
Yes |
Yes |
When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
Max. package: Weight – 1000 kg. Parcels exceeding 120 cm (length) x 80 cm (width) x 80 cm (height) must be placed on a pallet. Max. dimensions of a pallet are 300 cm (length) x 200 cm (width) x 180 cm (height). |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. |
Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 250 000 EUR. |
Max. package: Weight – 500 kg; Lenght - 240 cm. |
Yes |
Yes |
When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
Max. package: Weight –1000 kg; Dimensions – 240 cm (length) x 120 cm (width) x 180 cm (height). |
FedEx Express | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 46 410 EUR | Max. package: Weight – 68 kg; Dimensions – 240 cm (length) x 120 cm (width) x 150 cm (height). | Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. The value of the shipment can not exceed 700 EUR. |
FedEx Express (PAK) | Max. package: Weight – 2,5 kg. Dimensions – 39 cm (length) x 29 cm (width) x 11 cm (height). | |||||
FedEx Express Drop off-Courier | Max. package: Weight – 4.536 kg. Dimensions – 50cm (length) x 30 cm (width) x 15 cm (height). | No | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. Packages are shipped between US cities.The package must be left at Drop-off locations. |
FedEx Express (PAK) Drop off-Courier | Max. package: Weight – 2,5 kg. Dimensions – 39 cm (length) x 29 cm (width) x 11 cm (height). | |||||
FedEx Regional Economy SP Office-Courier | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 46 410 EUR | Max. package: Weight – 68 kg. Dimensions – 120cm (length) x 80 cm (width) x 120 cm (height). | Yes | No | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
FedEx Regional Economy SP Office-Courier (pallet) | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 46 410 EUR | Max. package: Weight – 1000 kg; Lenght - 240 cm. | Yes | No | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. The weight of the consignment must not be less than 68 kg. |
FedEx International Economy Courier-Courier | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 46 410 EUR | Max. package: Weight – 68 kg; Lenght - 240 cm. | Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
FedEx Express/Economy SP Office-Courier (pallet) | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 46 410 EUR | Max. package: Weight – 1000 kg; Lenght - 240 cm. | Yes | No | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. The weight of the consignment must not be less than 68 kg. |
SP by FedEx | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 3 000 EUR | Max. package: Weight – 4.536 kg; Dimensions – 60cm (length) x 50 cm (width) x 50 cm (height). | Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. The value of the shipment can not exceed 700 EUR. |
SP by FedEx (PAK) | Max. package: Weight – 2.5 kg; Dimensions – 39 cm (length) x 29 cm (width) x 9 cm (height). | No | ||||
USPS SP Office-Courier | Free compensation up to 90 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Not available | Max. package: Weight – 3 kg; Dimensions – 60 cm (length) x 50 cm (width) x 40 cm (height). | Yes | No | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. This is a drop-off service ONLY. Deliver your parcel to Veiveriu str. 142, Kaunas or J. Ralio str. 6, Vilnius Lithuania (Sendparcel office). The value of the shipment can not exceed 150 EUR. |
USPS Courier-Courier | Max. package: Weight – 10 kg; Dimensions – 60 cm (length) x 50 cm (width) x 40 cm (height). Max. extent - 90 cm of the formula: length + width + height =<90. | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. The value of the shipment can not exceed 150 EUR. |
USPS Drop Off-Courier | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Max. package: Weight – 20 kg; Dimensions – 60 cm (length) x 50 cm (width) x 50 cm (height). | Nėra | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. Packages are shipped between US cities. The package must be left at Drop-off locations. |
Deutsche Post Correspondence With tracking | Free compensation up to 40 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Not available | Max. package: Weight –2 kg; Dimensions – 60 cm (length) x 60 cm (width) x 60 cm (height). Max. extent - 90 cm of the formula: length + width + height =<90. | Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
Deutsche Post Correspondence without tracking | Not available | No | ||||
SmartPosti Courier-Courier |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 500 EUR. |
Max. package: Weight – 31 kg; Dimensions – 180 cm (length) x 60 cm (width) x 60 cm (height). Max. extent - 300 cm of the formula: length + width + height =<300. |
Yes | Yes | SmartPosti does not transport any envelopes and pallets. These consignments will be returned to the sender without a possibility to get a refund. In case of exceeding the maximum permissible real weight and/or dimensions of the consignment, the consignment will be returned to the sender without a possibility to get a refund. |
SmartPosti Courier-Parcel locker |
Max. package: Weight – 31 kg; Dimensions – 42 cm (length) x 40 cm (width) x 39 cm (height). | |||||
SmartPosti-GLS |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 2 500 EUR. |
Max. package: Weight – 31.5 kg; Dimensions – 200 cm (length) x 80 cm (width) x 60 cm (height). Max. extent - 300 cm of the formula: (width + height) x 2 + length =<300. |
Yes | Yes | SmartPosti-GLS does not transport any envelopes and pallets. These consignments will be returned to the sender without a possibility to get a refund. In case the consignment is over 35kg, the sender/receiver shall take care of its loading/unloading. In case of exceeding the maximum permissible real weight and/or dimensions of the consignment, the consignment will be returned to the sender without a possibility to get a refund. In case it is impossible to get in touch with the receiver and/or receiver cannot be found in the indicated address, the consignment will be left in the terminal. |
Venipak |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is 10 000 EUR. |
Max. package: Weight – 700 kg; Dimensions – 120 cm (length) x 80 cm (width) x 170 cm (height). |
Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
Venipak Courier-Parcel locker |
Max. package: Weight – 30 kg; Dimensions – 61 cm (length) x 35 cm (width) x 32 cm (height). | |||||
LP EXPRESS Courier-Courier |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 500 EUR. | Max. package: Weight – 700 kg; Dimensions – 150 cm (length) x 150 cm (width) x 150 cm (height). Max. extent - 300 cm of the formula: length + width + height =<300. | Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. Consignments valued above 1000 EUR are prohibited to ship with LP Express. Packages are shipped between Lithuanian cities. |
LP EXPRESS Courier-Courier (Shipping label delivered by the courier) | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. After placing an order for this service, the courier will arrive to pick up your shipment the next working day. Upon courier’s arrival, pre-prepared and printed shipping documents will be delivered and attached to your parcel. Consignments valued above 1000 EUR are prohibited to ship with LP Express. Packages are shipped between Lithuanian cities. |
LP EXPRESS Economy |
Max. package: Weight –30 kg; Dimensions – 150 cm (length) x 150 cm (width) x 150 cm (height). Max. extent - 300 cm of the formula: (width + height) x 2 + length =<300. | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. Consignments valued above 1000 EUR are prohibited to ship with LP Express. |
LP EXPRESS Shipping label delivered by the courier) | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. After placing an order for this service, the courier will arrive to pick up your shipment the next working day. Upon courier’s arrival, pre-prepared and printed shipping documents will be delivered and attached to your parcel. Consignments valued above 1000 EUR are prohibited to ship with LP Express. |
LP EXPRESS Parcel locker-Parcel locker |
Max. package: Weight – 30 kg; Dimensions – 61 cm (length) x 35 cm (width) x 74.5 cm (height). | No | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. Consignments valued above 1000 EUR are prohibited to ship with LP Express. |
LP EXPRESS Courier-Parcel locker |
Yes | |||||
Lithuanian Post With tracking | Not available | Not available | Max. package: Weight – 2 kg; The length of one border - 60 cm. Max. extent - 90 cm of the formula: length + width + height =<90 | Yes | No | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. This service does not have a courier call to your specified address. You can deliver your parcel to your nearest Post Office or to Veiveriu g. 142, Kaunas or J. Ralio g. 6, Vilnius Lithuania (Sendparcel office). Consignments valued above 360 EUR are prohibited to ship with Lithuanian Post. |
Lithuanian Post with signature |
Free compensation up to 40 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. |
Not available | Max. package: Weight – 2 kg; The length of one border - 60 cm. Max. extent - 90 cm of the formula: length + width + height =<90 | Yes | No | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. This service does not have a courier call to your specified address. You can deliver your parcel to your nearest Post Office or to Veiveriu g. 142, Kaunas or J. Ralio g. 6, Vilnius Lithuania (Sendparcel office). Consignments valued above 360 EUR are prohibited to ship with Lithuanian Post. |
DPD Parcel locker-Parcel locker |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is 30 000 EUR. | Max. package: Weight – 31.5 kg; Dimensions – 61 cm (length) x 43 cm (width) x 36 cm (height). | Yes | No | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
DPD Parcel locker-Courier |
DPD Express Courier-Courier (pallet) | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment in Lithuania is 30 000 EUR. | Max. package: Weight – 700 kg; Dimensions – 120 cm (length) x 80 cm (width) x 180 cm (height). | Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
Omniva Courier-Courier |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost.
Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 4 500 EUR. | Max. package: Weight – 600 kg. Dimensions – 120 cm (length) x 100 cm (width) x 170 cm (height). | Yes
Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
Omniva Courier-Parcel locker |
Max. package: Weight – 30 kg; Dimensions – 64 cm (length) x 38 cm (width) x 39 cm (height). |
Omniva |
No | The Parcel lockers parcels are delivered on Saturdays in the major cities of Lithuania. | ||||
Omniva Parcel locker-Parcel locker |
SST Express | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Not available | Max. package: Weight – 1000 kg; Dimensions – 120 cm (length) x 80 cm (width) x 220 cm (height). | Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
SP Logistics | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Not available | Max. package: Weight –10000 kg; Dimensions – 120 cm (length) x 160 cm (width) x 250 cm (height). | No | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
Express service between 3rd countries |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost.
Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. | Max. package: Weight – 1000 kg; Length - 240 cm. |
When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
Economy service between 3rd countries | Not available | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. | ||||
Raben | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 150 000 EUR. | Max. package: Weight – 500 kg; Dimensions –120 cm (length) x 120 cm (width) x 220 cm (height). | No | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
DB Schenker | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. The maximum insured value of the shipment is 5 000 000 EUR. | Max. package: Weight – 1000 kg; Dimensions – 240 cm (length) x 180 cm (width) x 220 cm (height). | Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
DSV | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. | Maximum compensation for additionally insured consignment – full declared value of the consignment. | Max. package: Weight – 700 kg; Dimensions – 120 cm (length) x 80 cm (width) x 220 cm (height). | Yes | Yes | When calculating delivery price, it is taken into account which is higher – the real or volumetric weight. |
Royal Mail Economy SP Office-Courier |
Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. |
Not available |
Max. package: Weight – 2 kg; Dimensions – 61 cm (length) x 46 cm (width) x 46 cm (height). |
Yes |
No |
This is a drop-off service ONLY. Deliver your parcel to Veiveriu str. 142, Kaunas or J. Ralio str. 6, Vilnius Lithuania (Sendparcel office). |
Royal Mail Economy Courier-Courier | Free compensation up to 100 EUR is paid for the consignment in case it is damaged or lost. |
Not available |
Max. package: Weight – 2 kg; Dimensions – 61 cm (length) x 46 cm (width) x 46 cm (height). |
Yes |
Yes |
If you choose this service, a VENIPAK courier will pick up your parcel. |
*In case a damaged consignment is delivered, it is obligatory to mark at the moment of delivery together with the courier the consignment is damaged and take a photo of it. Photos will be necessary on appealing for the compensation. |
8. Transfer of the Consignment to the Courier
8.1. The Customer (Sender) transfers the prepared Consignment that meets the requirements of the Terms and conditions to the Courier on its arrival. Clear, legible and correct requisites of the Customer (Sender) and the Receiver shall be indicated on the Consignment.
8.2. The Customer is liable for the information provided while ordering the service. It obligates to compensate all the losses suffered by „Sendparcel“ and the Courier that can arise because of false or inexactly indicated data. „Sendparcel“ and the Courier are not obligated to check the truthfulness of the information provided in the Consignment documents.
8.3. When sending any limitations-exceeding Consignments in the cases that are indicated in the description of services, they can be returned to the Sender and the payment can be deducted as if the transportation was completed.
8.4. The Customer is liable for the content of the Consignment.
8.5. On creating the Order, the Customer indicates the date and time of picking the Consignment (if possible) and the place. The time of picking the Consignment chosen by the Customer is not guaranteed.
8.6. If the Courier has not arrived to pick up the Consignment, the Customer shall inform about it „Sendparcel“ and not the Courier directly.
8.7. In case the Delivery service is marked with the mark „Printer is compulsory “, the Sender shall print the Consignment documents received by email or downloaded from the Customer’s account on the website of „Sendparcel“, sign them and attach to the Consignment. Unless these requirements are observed, any complaint of the Customer about the damage to the Consignment or loss of the Consignment as well as request to return the payment for the service can be rejected.
8.8. Depending on the chosen service and country of delivery, „Sendparcel“ can provide additional documents which shall be attached onto the Consignment. Unless it is done, the Consignment can be late or Surcharges can be applied.
8.9. The Courier is entitled not to accept an unpacked, improperly packed, unmarked or improperly marked Consignment as well as Consignment that may contain Prohibited items.
8.10. The Courier is entitled not to wait until the Consignment is prepared for the transfer.
8.11. The Courier is entitled to change the Consignment number. The information about the Consignment can only be received by getting in touch with „Sendparcel“.
8.12. The Courier only picks Consignments on Working days and in his/her working hours.
8.13. The Sender shall create conditions for the Courier to pick the Consignment.
8.14. The Courier (Courier’s driver) shall sign the Consignment documents when picking up the Consignment. The Customer shall submit the documents that prove the picking of the Consignment at the request of „Sendparcel“.
8.15. The Customer is the only person that is liable for the truthfulness of provided data. The Courier is not obligated to check this data.
8.16. When accepting the Consignment, „Sendparcel“ or the Courier are entitled to request to enter notes about the marking and numeration, external condition of the Package, transportation conditions and other significant data in the waybill. In case the Customer disagrees with the notes and refuses to sign below, „Sendparcel“ is entitled to refuse to execute its duties according to the present Rules.
9. Requirements for Consignments
9.1. Sent items shall be packed in a safe and proper way. An item that is attached to the Consignment in the external part of the Package can be treated as a Prohibited one.
9.2. Envelopes, pallets and framed container can be sent by choosing the services in which description it is not indicated otherwise. On sending the above-mentioned packages and using the services they cannot be transported with, the Packages are returned to the Sender and the payment is deducted as if the transportation was completed.
9.3. The Customer is liable for proper and safe packing of the Consignment and takes all liability for the observation of these requirements. Any complaint from the Customer about the damage that was caused by an improper and/or insufficient Package can be refused as unsubstantiated.
9.4. The Packages sent using the services of „Sendparcel“ shall withstand an insignificant external impact:
9.4.1. The Consignment Package shall sustain the weight of sent items, protect them from possible defects and withstand a fall from a low (up to 1 metre) height;
9.4.2. The Consignment Package shall ensure the safe transport of the contents, allowing the package to be handled in any position, including turning, shaking, and pushing;
9.4.3. The Consignment Package must be strong enough to withstand a weight of 4-5 times the weight of the consignment itself;
9.4.4. The Customer shall put extra warning signs in case there are special handling conditions required for the Consignment (for example, fragile, to keep in a vertical position, to keep in a dry place, not to keep next to certain substances (elements) etc.). In the case of automated sorting, parcel lines are not able to comply with special instructions from the Customer, such as "Do not drop" or "Breakable items", and therefore such markings are not taken into account.
9.5. There cannot be any elements on the Package that can affect the safety (integrity) of other consignments, health (safety) of people and (or) environment and (or) can cause any damage (injuries).
9.6. Improperly packed and unsafe Consignments cannot be sent.
9.7. In case the Consignment needs a repacking procedure, the Customer enables „Sendparcel“ and the Courier to perform the repacking service with an additional charge indicated in the final invoice issued by „Sendparcel“ for that Consignment or in an additional invoice issued by „Sendparcel“ according to the Courier’s calculations („Sendparcel“ receives this invoice from the Courier after the delivery of the Consignment).
9.8. The Customer agrees that in case its Consignment damages another Consignment or other Consignments, it will compensate the damage to the Service provider, Courier and/or Senders of other Consignments at their request.
9.9. When DHL services are chosen (in export cases), the packages must be not completely closed (unsealed), by giving the opportunity to the arriving courier, „Sendparcel“ or a DHL employee to check their contents.
10. Suspension, checking, detention, destruction or return of the Consignment
10.1. The Consignments that may be included in the list of Prohibited Consignments or improperly packed Consignments that were accepted for the transportation without knowing it or Non-compensated Consignments can be returned to the Customer (Sender) at its cost, charged with a fine of 120 EUR for shipping prohibited items, detained at the Customs office and (or) stored as long as the Receiver picks them. In these cases, the Receiver will be informed about the terms Consignment can be picked up. In case the Receiver fails to accept the Consignment within the indicated term and there is no agreement about other terms of picking the Consignment (the Customer (Sender) pays all the Surcharges related to keeping, storage of the Consignment etc.), the Consignment can be destroyed.
10.2. The Consignment can be destroyed without compensating the damage to the Customer (Sender) in the following cases:
10.2.1. The Consignment contains Prohibited items;
10.2.2. The Consignment is damaged and dangerous to other Consignments, people’s health and safety;
10.2.3. The Sender or the Receiver does not pick the returned Consignment within 30 calendar days;
10.2.4. With the decision or obligation of appropriate authorities, such as the Customs office etc., and in other cases.
10.3. „Sendparcel“ has the right to stop the delivery and check the contents of the Package at any time during the Parcel's journey. Prohibited items or other materials that may cause danger are not allowed for transport into territories of other countries. In such a case, „Sendparcel“ takes all necessary security measures and has the right to apply to the relevant state institutions, and the Customer may be prosecuted.
10.4. The Customer agrees „Sendparcel“, the Customs office and other authorities are entitled to check the Consignment without let or hindrance.
10.5. The Customer (Sender) agrees and does not object and obligates not to make any claims to „Sendparcel“ and (or) the Courier including financial ones in case the competent authorities, services or other institutions open and (or) check any Consignment.
10.6. The Customer understands and acknowledges it takes full liability for the consequences in case it orders the transportation of prohibited items on purpose or by negligence, transfers them or conditions their transfer for the transportation and it obligates to defray all the losses suffered by „Sendparcel“ and (or) the Courier as well as pay a fine of 120 EUR.
10.7. After handing over the Consignment, „Sendparcel“ and (or) the Courier do not check and are not obligated to check the content of the Consignment, but they are entitled to check it in case they suppose the content of the Consignment consists of Prohibited items, the Consignment contains other items (or not all the items) other than the ones entered while placing an order for the delivery, etc.
10.8. In case the Consignment’s tracking number shows the Consignment was detained in the Customs office, returned or rejected by the Receiver, but the Customer did not inform „Sendparcel“ about it, a related complaint (claim) cannot be submitted, the returns are not executed and the losses are not compensated.
10.9. The Customer shall get in touch with „Sendparcel“ in case there is a threat the Consignment can be returned. In case the Consignment is returned, the Order is considered executed and the payment cannot be returned. Re-delivery surcharges are paid by the Customer.
10.10. The Customer shall submit the invoice of sent items to the Customs office of the Receiver’s country. It should contain the reason for export and description as well as the value of the items. In case the Customs office finds a discrepancy between the sent items and description in the invoice, customs duties can be applied or Surcharges can be applied. The Consignment can be seized or returned to the Customer (Sender) at its cost and in case the Sender is a different person from the Customer – at the cost of the latter. In this case, the delivery is considered completed, so the payment cannot be returned.
10.11. In case it emerges the content of the Consignment is not permitted according to the applicable law and (or) these Terms and conditions at any time (irrespective of whether the service provision has started or not), „Sendparcel“ and (or) the Courier have to observe the applicable law including, but not limited with the information to appropriate institutions, opening and destruction of the Consignment and (or) transfer of the Consignment to appropriate institutions. The agreement concluded in respect of the Consignment is terminated immediately because of a rough violation of the present Rules by the Customer (Sender) without a court decision and other formalities, „Sendparcel“ reserves a right to get the compensation of the suffered costs and losses caused by the termination of this agreement from the Customer if necessary.
10.12. After the shipment is returned and/or destroyed or confiscated, the fee paid by the Customer for the services is not refunded. In case of arrears, the shipment may be withheld until the losses, incurred additional costs, or fines are paid.
10.13. If the Courier is unable to find the Receiver at the address specified by the Sender, the Receiver has refused to accept or clear the Consignment, it is returned to the Customer (Sender), without a separate agreement and the right to refuse the return. The Customer undertakes full responsibility for the returned shipment and to cover all costs incurred in connection with the return of the shipment.
11. Tracking and delivery of Consignments
11.1. After the Consignment is brought to the place of destination, the Courier transfers it to the Receiver. The Customer is liable for the acceptance of the Consignment by the Receiver under the terms and conditions of the present Rules.
11.2. „Sendparcel“ guarantees the delivery of the Consignment to the Receiver, but the terms of delivery are not guaranteed unless it is indicated otherwise in the description of Services (see description of Services in section 7 of the Rules). The money return guarantee is invalid in case the delay is caused by customs procedures and the delivery is to Remote locations, submitting a false address or false contacts or other data of the Receiver or non-submitting any of them and in the other cases indicated in clause 16.2 of the Rules.
11.3. Start of delivery time calculation:
11.3.1. In the case of Guaranteed delivery, the time is calculated starting from the moment the Consignment is picked up.
11.3.2. In the case of standard Parcel delivery, the time is calculated starting from the next business day after the Consignment is picked up.
11.4. Consignments are delivered on Working days and at working hours only.
11.5. Upon the acceptance of the Consignment, the Receiver shall check the condition of the Consignment together with the Courier’s driver or representative authorized by the Courier. In case the Consignment package is damaged, it is obligatory to indicate it in the Consignment delivery document at the Consignment acceptance moment; otherwise, it is considered the Consignment was delivered to the Receiver in a good condition and the Receiver does not have any claims. After the Receiver signs any waybill or another Consignment document, the Consignment is considered transferred even if the other waybills of the same Consignment are not signed by the Receiver.
11.6. In case of any circumstances informed by the Courier that impede the transfer of the Consignment to the Receiver, „Sendparcel“ appeals to the Customer for further instructions. Unless the Customer provides the requested instructions on the issues of the Consignment delivery within the term set by „Sendparcel“, „Sendparcel“ is entitled to return the Consignment at the Customer’s cost to the Customer (Sender) or unload the Consignment and transfer to the storage at its cost. The Customer shall defray all the costs of getting and execution of instructions to „Sendparcel“.
11.7. „Sendparcel“ does not track the movement of Consignments in the Couriers’ or own systems. The tracking of Consignments is liability of the Customer, the Sender and/or the Receiver, thus, in case the Consignment is late or there are other delivery problems, the Customer shall inform „Sendparcel“ about it in writing immediately.
11.8. „Sendparcel“ delivers Consignments to comprehensively indicated street addresses only except the case when the Consignment delivery option ordered is self-service and the Consignment has to be picked up by the Receiver at the pickup terminal. It is impossible to deliver any Consignments without indicating an exact address and just post box numbers or to locations without an exact address.
11.9. The Consignment can be delivered to a neighbouring address and not to the indicated address of the Receiver, but the signature that confirms the acceptance of the Consignment is obligatory in this case. The Receiver is liable for the transfer of the Consignment to a neighbouring address.
11.10. The Customer must indicate the active (in-use) Receiver’s contact telephone number for every Consignment. When sending parcels to / from abroad, the active (in-use) contact telephone number of the country to which the Consignment is sent (or the country from which the Consignment is shipped) must be provided. Couriers have the right to refuse to call to foreign phone numbers. "Sendparcel" refuses to resend or refund the payment for delivery Shipments for which the correct telephone number of the Recipient was not provided when ordering delivery service.
11.11. The Courier calls the Receiver only if he/she cannot not find him (her) in the indicated address or there are any other problems related with the delivery and transfer of the Consignment.
11.12. The Courier executes the delivery of the Consignment to the Receiver three times. When ordering certain services, the repeated delivery of the Consignment can include Surcharges (see description of Services). Unless the delivery of the Consignment is successful, the Consignment is returned to the Customer (Sender), the Order is considered completed and the payment is not returned. Repeat delivery Surcharges are paid by the Customer.
11.13. The document with the driver’s signature confirming the picking of the Consignment shall be stored by the Customer in accordance with the legal terms and conditions, but not later than for three months after the delivery of the Consignment to the Receiver.
11.14. When using USPS services parcels travel with tracking but without a signature, and you can see proof of delivery in the tracking information on the official website - this service does not provide proof of delivery (POD).
11.15. In case the Consignment was damaged badly during the transportation and cannot be transported further, it can be stored for a set period (different in every case) as long as the Customer or the Receiver is informed about it by „Sendparcel“ in writing and picks it until the set term.
11.16. In case the Receiver accepts a damaged Consignment, it shall indicate it on the Consignment’s transfer document signing and indicating that the Consignment is damaged; in case it picks the Consignment in the terminal, it shall take a photo next to the terminal. Otherwise, the proving of the fact about the damage to the Consignment is impeded.
11.17. In case the Receiver refuses to accept the Consignment, the Consignment can be returned to the Sender at its cost and in case the Customer is a different person from the Sender – at the Customer’s cost. Unless the payment is received within the set term, the Consignment can be destroyed, a complaint about the missing Consignment cannot be submitted and the Consignment refusal charge can be applied and/or Surcharges can be applied.
11.18. If the Recipient sends a Consignment using Deutsche Post or LP Express courier services and the Consignment cannot be delivered to the Recipient's address, the Consignment may be diverted and delivered to the nearest post office. The Recipient will be able to collect the Consignment from the post office.
12. Surcharges
12.1. Surcharges are the costs that can be suffered by „Sendparcel“ including the charges that can be calculated by the Courier or the authorities and applied to „Sendparcel“ during the Order execution at their rates (calculations), which were impossible to include in the service price at the Order submission moment. „Sendparcel“ will inform the Customer about due Surcharges after picking the Consignment and they are indicated in the final invoice issued by „Sendparcel“ in relation with that Consignment or in the additional invoice issued by „Sendparcel“ on the basis of the Courier’s calculations („Sendparcel“ receives this invoice from the Courier after the delivery of the Consignment). “Sendparcel” can inform the customer about the surcharges only when the Courier provides us with the final invoice. Surcharges are not any fines imposed on „Sendparcel“.
12.2. Surcharges can be deducted from the credit account of the Customer. Unless it is used, „Sendparcel“ gets in touch with the Customer in writing about the payment of these costs.
12.3. Surcharges arise in the following cases (not limited with the below-mentioned ones, a more extensive list can be found here):
12.3.1. In certain cases of the repeated delivery, the Customer shall defray different Surcharges in every case;
12.3.2. In case the Customer indicates false data and the Courier is unable to deliver the Consignment to the Receiver and/or the Receiver refuses to accept the Consignment and the Consignment is returned to the Sender for these reasons. In these cases, the delivery is considered completed, so the payment for it cannot be returned. The Consignment is returned at the Customer’s cost;
12.3.3. In case false data about the weight and dimensions of the Consignment as well as postcodes are provided in the Order. In case the Consignment is heavier or has bigger dimensions or the Receiver/Sender is in the Remote location, the Customer shall defray the difference of the Order price and/or Consignment return charge;
12.3.4 In case the Customer is shipping items listed in the list of prohibited items (the list can be found here), Customer will be charged with a fine of 120 EUR;
12.3.5. In case the waybill is written by the Courier and it is used instead of the Consignment documents given by „Sendparcel“, the Customer shall pay the data entry charge of 5 EUR + VAT and difference of the price delivery, if any. The Consignment can also be detained as long as the debt is paid;
12.3.6. In case wrong parcel is given to the Courier when few other services of different Couriers were ordered on the same day on “Sendparcel’s” website or in any other way.
12.3.7. In case of delivery on weekend;
12.3.8. In certain cases of delivery to Remote locations;
12.3.9. In case the Consignment documents are filled out incorrectly or the Order is cancelled, the Order annulment charge of 1 EUR + VAT may be applied;
12.3.10. In case the Consignment is marked improperly and incorrectly;
12.3.11. In case the Consignment is packed incorrectly, without observing any requirements for the Consignment (for example, the Consignment is not durable and not prepared for the transportation properly (non-stackable pallet); boxes are not tight together and tighten to the pallet (for example, with packing film and belts); boxes do not fit on the pallet and are hanging outside the pallet edges; the pallets are not strong, poor quality and unbroken; additional packing is necessary, etc.);
12.3.12. In some cases of sending Non-standard consignments;
12.3.13. In case the Courier waits for the Consignment for over ten minutes at the Sender’s place;
12.3.14. In case the Customer or the Receiver asks to change the address of picking and/or delivery of the Consignment or contact data;
12.3.15. In case the Courier asks to specify the details of delivery that were indicated by the Customer incorrectly;
12.3.16. In case of failing to observe the instructions of „Sendparcel“ or execute the Customer’s duties (omission);
12.3.17. Changing to Incoterms (DAP, DDP, etc.).
12.4. The surcharges incurred due to unpaid invoices for the services provided may affect the transportation and delivery of the Consignment, therefore the Consignment may be suspended until the Customer pays for it.
13. Remote locations
13.1. The terms of picking or/and delivery of Consignments to Remote locations are longer than usual.
13.2. The guarantee of the guaranteed delivery service is invalid in case the address is in the Remote location. Before sending a Consignment to the Remote location, the Customer shall check the Receiver’s address.
14. Prohibited and Non-compensable items
14.1. Prohibited items (Consignments) cannot be sent using any services of „Sendparcel“. Sending this type of items (Consignments) contradicts to the Contract provisions and valid legal acts. If you are shipping items listed in the list of prohibited items (the list can be found here), you will take full responsibility for paying a fine of 120 EUR for shipping prohibited items.
14.2. Before placing an Order, it is recommended to make sure whether the Consignment can be transported using the services of „Sendparcel“.
14.3. When ordering the delivery service, the Customer confirms it has familiarised with the list of Prohibited items and there is not any of the Prohibited items in the Consignment. The list of prohibited items is announced publicly and renewed constantly here. The Customer is obligated to ensure the Sender of the Consignment (unless it is the Customer) will not send any items included in the list of Prohibited items of „Sendparcel“ and takes all liability for the non-observation of this requirement and all consequences and obligates to compensate all the direct and indirect losses suffered by „Sendparcel“ for this reason.
14.4. „Sendparcel“ does not recommend to send any Non-compensable items. The list of Non-compensable items is announced publicly and renewed constantly here. These items are fragile and dangerous or unsuitable for the transportation using the services of „Sendparcel“ for other reasons. In case the Customer decides to send a Non-compensable items, it does it at the own risk.
14.5. In case the staff of „Sendparcel“ and/or the Courier notice the Customer may send a Prohibited item, the Order can be annulled immediately.
14.6. In case the Consignment with Prohibited and (or) Non-compensable items was late, damaged or lost during the transportation, the related complaint cannot be submitted to „Sendparcel“ and the payment for the service cannot be returned, either.
14.7. The Customer understands and agrees that in case it orders the transportation of Prohibited or Non-compensable items on purpose or by negligence, transfers them on its own or through the Sender or conditions their transfer for the transportation in another way, it takes all liability for the consequences and obligates to pay a fine of 120 EUR, defray all the losses suffered by „Sendparcel“ and the Courier. The Customer also agrees that in case its Consignment damages another Consignment or other Consignments, it will compensate the damage to the Service provider, Courier and/or Senders of other Consignments at their request.
15. Customs procedures
15.1. When placing an Order, the Customer pays the Consignment transportation costs only. „Sendparcel“ is not liable for any delays of the Consignment, detentions or applicable charges related with the Customs procedures. The customs charges shall be paid by the Receiver (or by the Sender in case the Customs office agrees) before the delivery of the Consignment.
15.1.1. All „Sendparcel“ services, unless stated otherwise, are provided on DAP terms. Under DAP terms, the Sender is responsible for delivering the goods to the agreed destination, but the Recipient is responsible for paying customs duties, taxes and other import costs.
15.1.2. When shipping under DDP terms, the Sender is fully responsible for delivering the goods to the destination and for paying all import taxes and duties.
15.2. The Customer guarantees all the statements made by it, the Sender and the Receiver, all their documents and information that are related with the import and export of the Consignment and true and correct. The Customer takes all the risk related with the liability that can arise on the basis of incorrect data and obligates to compensate all the losses suffered by „Sendparcel“ and/or the Courier. The Customer knows that in case the data provided by it about the Consignment or content of the Consignment is false or spurious, a civil claim can be made against it and/or it can be prosecuted; one of the penalties can be seizure, realization or utilization of the Consignment.
15.3. The Customer shall defray all the fines and taxes (if any, including, but not limited with VAT), keeping (storage) charges and Surcharges that can be suffered by „Sendparcel“ and the Courier because of acts (omission) of the Customs office or other authorities or non-submission of necessary documents by the Customer and/or the Receiver. The indicated costs can also be requested to compensate or recovered from the Receiver before giving the Consignment to it. In case the costs shall be covered by the Receiver, but it refuses to do it, the Customer agrees and obligates to defray the above-mentioned Surcharges and the Surcharges that are related to the redelivery of the Consignment as well as pay the administrative charge for additional work.
15.4. In case the Receiver fails to get in touch with the Customs office and the Consignment is destroyed or returned to the sender, the Customer and/or the Receiver are liable for it.
16. Delayed deliveries
16.1. Any costs of the Consignment sent by using the Guaranteed delivery service, which addresses of picking and delivery and other related information meet the requirements, will be returned fully in case it was impossible to deliver the Consignment within the set term and the Customer appealed to „Sendparcel“ in writing within 5 (five) working days since the delivery of the Consignment.
16.2. Money is not returned in the following cases:
16.2.1. An incorrect address and/or contact telephone number of the Receiver were indicated when placing an order;
16.2.2. The addresses of the Sender or the Receiver are in Remote locations;
16.2.3. When delivering the Consignments, there were circumstances of the acts of God (force-majeure) (bad weather conditions, strikes etc.) that did not depend on „Sendparcel“ and/or the Courier;
16.2.4. There are acts of war in the country of the Sender or the Receiver;
16.2.5. The Customs procedures are delayed;
16.2.6. The Consignment is packed and/or marked improperly;
16.2.7. The Consignment contains Prohibited items;
16.2.8. It is not appealed within 5 (five) working days since the delivery of the Consignment.
17. Making claims about lost or damaged consignments
17.1. All claims must be submitted only by the Customer and only in writing. "Sendparcel" communicates only with the Customer during the examination of the claim.
17.2. All claims must be submitted directly to “Sendparcel“, and not to the Courier himself, according to the following contacts of UAB “Technologijų era“: by email - [email protected] and / or by registered mail to Veiverių st. 142, LT-46353 Kaunas.
17.3. The Customer has been informed that the Courier is not entitled to accept any claims of the Customer, the Consignor, the Consignee or any other person or any other written documents related to the delivery, loss or damage of the Consignment.
17.4. The Customer has been informed and understands that the Consignee‘s confirmation of receipt of the Consignment when there is no notice of damage to the Consignment on the delivery document is a prima facie evidence that the Consignment has been delivered in good condition.
17.5. The Customer must submit a written claim for a damaged or lost Consignment strictly within the time limits set out below:
Courier | Deadline for submitting a claim |
DPD | Within 5 working days from the date of delivery of the Consignment, but not later than within 6 months from the date of sending of the postal consignment |
Omniva | (i) within 3 days of the occurrence of the circumstances, but not later than within 28 days after sending the Consignment (ii) no later than within 28 days from the date of delivery of the intended Consignment (iii) The Courier shall not be liable if the Customer does not inquire about the consignment within 6 months of its sending |
Venipak | No later than within 8 working days from the receipt of the Consignment, and in case of loss - within 8 working days from the date of sending of the Consignment |
LP EXPRESS | Within 6 months from the day of sending of the postal consignment |
SmartPosti, GLS | (i) if the Consignee was unable to establish the damage at the time of normal receipt of the Consignment, the Customer may file a claim for damages no later than 5 calendar days from the date of transfer or delivery of the Consignment to the Consignee, but no later than within 6 months from the date of sending (ii) the Customer shall be entitled to claim compensation for the loss of the consignment if the goods have not been delivered: within 28 days from the end of the agreed delivery period or after 58 days from the acceptance of the Consignment from the Consignor, if there is no agreed delivery deadline |
TNT (when the service is provided not as by a postal service provider) | Within 19 day: (i) after the delivery of the Consignment (if the Consignment was damaged or delayed), or (ii) after planned delivery date (if the Consignment was lost, not delivered or delivered incorrectly) |
TNT (when the service is provided as by a postal service provider) | Within 6 months from the day of sending the postal consignment |
FedEx (when the service is provided not as by a postal service provider) | (i) due to damage (visible or not visible clearly), delay (including claims regarding damaged products) or missing content - within 19 days after delivery of the Consignment (ii) all other claims, including claims for loss, non-delivery or incorrect delivery - within 9 months from the delivery of the Consignment to the Courier |
FedEx (when the servicec is provided as by a postal service provider) | Within 6 months from the day of sending the postal consignment |
DHL | Within 28 days from the date when the Courier accepted the Consignment |
Deutsche Post | (i) for Consignments within the European Union not earlier than 30 days after Consignment collection date (ii) for Consignments outside the European Union not earlier than 60 days after Consignment collection date (iii) for all Consignments no later than 6 months after the collection date of the Consignment. The examination can take up to 10 weeks |
Nėgė | Within 5 working days after delivery of the package |
USPS | In case of damage within 5 days of receipt of the Consignment, in case of loss of the Consignment within 21 days of the intended delivery date |
Raben | In case of damage within 5 days of receipt of the Consignment, in case of loss of the Consignment within 21 days of the intended delivery date |
17.6. When submitting a claim, the Customer must indicate the order number, the value of the Consignment, the description of the packages (their contents), the causes for the claim, a copy of the lost or damaged purchase invoice (or other official document confirming the purchase), clearly indicating (separating) damages and (or) lost good (Consignment), whether the items were new or used, the calculation of the amount of the claim, the available photographs, as well as information about the consignor and the consignee of the Consignment, to which account to refund the money, as well as other information and documents necessary for the proper examination of the claim. When submitting a claim, the Customer also has the right to provide photographs of the packages of the Consignment and / or its contents, as well as to provide other information that may help to properly examine the claim. When submitting a claim, the customer must provide detailed information, including his personal details, if the claim is submitted by a natural person, and all the details of the legal entity, including the current account number, if the claim is submitted by a legal entity. If the claim is submitted by a legal entity, the claim must be signed by the person of the Customer (legal entity) who has the right to sign such documents (a claim). The Customer must submit the original claim with its duly approved annexes. If the Customer's (legal entity's) claim is signed by a person other than the Customer's manager or another person (representative), a copy of the power of attorney / order authorizing the Customer's representative to sign the claim must be attached to the Customer's (legal entity's) claim.
17.7. If the Customer submits only the sales documents for the Consignment (invoice) "Sendparcel" has the right to compare the market price of a similar product with the sales price on the sales invoice and can compensate up to 70% of the sale price or market value of the damaged or lost Shipment, but not more than 499 EUR. In case of doubt, "Sendparcel" may demand and the Customer must provide sales documents (invoices) of lost or damaged goods to different customers for different periods.
17.8. Claims submitted after the above deadlines and / or submitted without the required documents and / or submitted later than the specified claim submission deadline shall not be accepted (reasonable rejection) and no damages shall be awarded.
17.9. "Sendparcel" must examine the Customer's written claim for loss, damage, etc. of the Consignment and submit a written response to the claim to the address provided by the applicant (Customer) (including e-mail) no later than within 30 (thirty) working days (except for LP EXPRESS and Deutsche Post, which may take up to 90 calendar days to process) since the day of receiving a written claim with all the documents necessary for the analysis of the claim and decision-making. The period for processing claims of International Consignments may last up to 6 months from the date of receipt of a written claim with all the documents required for the examination of the claim and decision-making. "Sendparcel" retains the right to extend the periods provided for in this clause for an additional period of 20 working days after informing the Customer thereof.
17.10. A claim for a lost Consignment may be examined only upon receipt of a "Sendparcel" letter confirming the fact that the Consignment has been lost.
17.11. The Customer has been informed that "Sendparcel" will consider the claim only if the Customer / Consignee allows it to check the contents of the Consignment, the original shipping box (-es) and packaging at the Customer's / Consignee‘s premises, or "Sendparcel" / Courier‘s premises at "Sendparcel" discretion until the claim has been examined.
17.12. If the fact that the Consignment has been damaged during transportation is confirmed, "Sendparcel" shall cover the costs of repairing or purchasing the item, whichever is lower, and which in no case may exceed the amount of insurance (Standard or Additional) selected when ordering the service. If the consigned item is irreparably damaged, an official certificate from the relevant repair center or a deed from an independent loss assessment agency must be presented.
17.13. If the Customer's claim is reasoned and confirmed by "Sendparcel", the compensation shall be paid within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of making the respective decision, unless otherwise agreed with the Customer. Any compensation related to damage to and / or loss of the Consignment shall be paid only to the Customer.
17.14. Claims are limited to one claim per Consignment, the settlement of which will be full and final settlement of any related loss or damage.
17.15. The Customer may challenge the claim response within 30 calendar days from the receipt of the claim response.
18. Liability of „Sendparcel“
18.1. In all cases, „Sendparcel“ is only liable to the Customer (person/company/party). In case the Order is made by the Sender, „Sendparcel“ does not have any contacts with the Receiver and vice versa and is not liable for any losses that can be suffered by third parties.
18.2. „Sendparcel“ and the Customer obligate to cooperate on the recourse recovery of the losses suffered by any party from guilty third parties (Sender of the Consignment, Receiver, carrier, other parties).
18.3. „Sendparcel“ liability for damaged or lost Shipments will be limited to the greater of these amounts (a) the amount provided for under the applicable Conventions, or (b) the amount of the Shipment insurance (Standard or Additional) and delivery costs selected by the Customer (except for Deutsche Post and USPS Economy services). (For example, in case the Standard insurance was chosen when ordering the service and the Consignment was damaged/lost, Customer will receive a compensation of up to 100 EUR as well the amount of delivery costs. In case, an Additional insurance has been chosen of 600 EUR when placing an order, „Sendparcel“ will pay compensation of up to EUR 600 in the event of damage/loss of the Shipment, together with a refund of all or part of the delivery costs.) Standard and Additional shipment insurance does not apply to Deutsche Post and USPS services, therefore, in case of damage/loss, compensation for Deutsche Post services with tracking is available up to 40 EUR according to postal regulations. Also, in case of loss or damage of a Deutsche Post and USPS Parcels, the shipping service fee is not reimbursed. In case of package damage/loss, the maximum possible compensation for USPS services is up to EUR 90. In case of damage/loss of the parcel, compensation of up to 40 EUR is available for signed services of the Lithuanian Post. No compensation is available for Lithuanian Post services with tracking.
18.4. In case the Consignment was damaged during the transportation and not lost, only a part of the shipment's shipping costs will be refunded to the respective shipment's charged weight that has been damaged / lost.
18.5. In case the Consignment is lost, the liability of „Sendparcel“ is limited to the value of the content of the Consignment that cannot exceed the amount of the chosen insurance (Standard or Additional) excluding the packing costs and charge for the Additional insurance if any.
18.6. „Sendparcel“ is not liable for the damage of the consignments that were not packed properly by the Sender and loss of the consignments that were not packed and/or marked properly by the Sender.
18.7. „Sendparcel“ is not liable for the delay and/or non-delivery of the Consignments in case they were caused by insufficient, improper or unclear, ambiguous marking and/or improper, insufficient, unsafe packing of the Consignment or their contribution to it. „Sendparcel“ is not liable for any advice of packing and marking of Consignments on the Website. The Customer is the only person that is liable for proper and sufficient package that protects the content of the Consignment.
18.8. „Sendparcel“ is not liable for the damage or loss of the Consignments with Prohibited or Non-compensable items that were accepted without knowing it.
18.9. „Sendparcel“ only defrays the direct losses for the Customer in case of damaging or losing the Consignment and they cannot exceed the indicated values. „Sendparcel“ is not liable for the non-received profit, income or other benefit, lost possibility to use the damaged/lost sent item, administrative inconvenience, desperation, arising problems and lost reputation and other indirect losses and damage that were caused by the execution of ordered services or are related with it.
18.10. „Sendparcel“ is not liable for any delays, losses or damage caused by the Customs officers or other institutions, seizure, destruction, detention of the Consignment and other acts or any legal acts used in accordance with the applicable law in respect of the Consignment.
18.11. In case the Consignments were lost or damaged as well as delayed and could not be delivered on time, if Guaranteed delivery service was ordered, the compensation will not be paid under the following circumstances:
18.11.1. in case of natural disasters,
18.11.2. in case of the acts of war in the country of the Sender and/or the Receiver,
18.11.3. in case the Consignment Package is improper and/or insufficient,
18.11.4. in case the Consignment is marked improperly,
18.11.5. in case Non-compensable and/or Prohibited items are sent,
18.11.6. under the circumstances of force majeure,
18.11.7. under the other circumstances that are not controlled by „Sendparcel“ and were impossible to foresee in advance including, but not limited with the following: pandemics or epidemics, breakdowns of the equipment used by „Sendparcel“, online communication failures, telephone communication failures, software viruses, unpermitted access to the service provision systems, functioning errors etc.
18.12. „Sendparcel“ is not liable for the damage caused by the natural characteristics of sent items (articles) for which they were completely or partially damaged or lost: smashed, rusted, crumbled, broken, crushed.
18.13. „Sendparcel“ is not liable in case the Receiver has accepted the Consignment and signed it has received it. The risk of accidental ruination or damage of the items (articles) in the Consignment falls to the Receiver since the Consignment acceptance moment.
18.14. "Sendparcel" is not liable for orders, placed via assistive tools: ecommerce shipping, API and order import data accuracy and delivery issues caused by incorrect data. When placing the order, the Customer confirms that the submitted order data is correct.
18.15. The damage according to the substantiated claim of the Customer that was approved by „Sendparcel“ is compensated within 30 (thirty) calendar days since the decision making day.
19. Control of the Customer’s website account
19.1. Before creating a first Order, the Customer shall create its account on the Website, under the registration section. To fill out the obligatory fields correctly and comprehensively is necessary in order to make further orders. The information about the Customer provided during the registration will be used for the service provision, charging, history of service provision and use of loyalty discounts. The use of the personal data provided by the Customer is defined by the valid Privacy Policy of „Sendparcel“.
19.2. The Customer is exceptionally and fully liable for the exactness and accuracy of the data and information provided on the Website when both creating and using the account. Customer is entitled to change its information at any time by logging in on its “Sendparcel” account.
19.3. The data in the Customer’s account will be managed by using the IT means of „Sendparcel“ as much as it is obligatory for the service provision. In case the Customer has created its account fails to order services for longer than 10 (ten) years, the Customer’s account is annulled and its data is destroyed.
20. Management of the personal data
20.1. The Customer agrees „Sendparcel“ can control and manage the personal data of the Customer (Customer’s representatives) for the purpose of the conclusion and execution of the Contract with the Customer and protection and defence of legal interests of „Sendparcel“. You can find more information about the management of the personal data executed by „Sendparcel“ in the Privacy Policy on www.sendparcel.com. The Customer can appeal to „Sendparcel“ on all the issues of protection of the personal data to the following address: UAB „Technologijų era”, Veiverių str. 142, LT-46353 Kaunas, Lithuania or by email: [email protected].
20.2. The Customer is informed about the rights foreseen in the General Regulations of the Protection of Personal Data 679/2016: to know and get information about the management of provided personal data, familiarize with the personal data and its management, request to correct or destruct the personal data in the cases that are set out in the legal acts or disagree with the management of the personal data.
20.3. „Sendparcel“ uses proper technical and organisational data safety assurance means for the assurance of the safety of data observes the principles of confidentiality.
21. Rights of third parties
21.1. Any party that is not the party of this agreement (for example, Receiver) cannot make any claims and/or enforce other conditions
22. Other provisions
22.1. „Sendparcel“ retains an irrevocable right to amend and supplement these Terms and conditions at any time and ex parte, in any way and to any extent in case it is necessary in accordance with the applicable law and on discretion of „Sendparcel“. The amended (updated) edition of the present Rules shall be provided on the Website of „Sendparcel“. In case the Customer keeps on using the Website or places Orders after the appropriate amendment of these provisions in accordance with the amended (updated) provisions of the Rules (Terms and conditions), it will be considered the Customer has agreed with the new edition of the Rules and accepted the amendments. It is recommended for the Customer to check the Website on a regular basis to get information about any possible amendments (updates).
22.2. The Customer shall observe the information of confidentiality provided on the Website (for example, when logging in onto the Website or communicating) and is liable for any consequences of disclosure of this information to third parties irrespective of whether this disclosure was deliberate or occurred by negligence or inadvertence. „Sendparcel“ does not provide any guarantees for the technical or functional properties of the Website or virus protection and is not liable for the damage to the Customer or its computer system.
22.3. All disputes are solved in the negotiations. Unless an agreement is found, disputes are solved in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. In case a dispute shall be transferred to the court, the case would be judged in Kaunas Chamber under Kaunas District Court.
22.4. The Terms and conditions are superior and have priority to the provisions of any other documents. In case the Customer deviates from these Terms and conditions while placing an Order, the provisions of the Terms and conditions and (or) the contract are applied.
22.5. In case any provision of the present Rules contradicts to any valid international treaty, the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, decree or resolution of the Government, order of the Ministry or requirements of other applicable legal acts, this provision remains valid as a part of the agreement between „Sendparcel
“ and the Customer as much as it complies with the above-mentioned legal acts. Any invalid provision does not have an influence on the validity of other provisions of the present Rules.
Last update: 25 March, 2025, 15:52